Brief on Hospital Waste Management System in Lahore

The specialized health care and medical education (SHC&ME) department of Govt. of the Punjab engaged LWMC to explore a feasible solution to treat and dispose-off infectious health care waste of hospitals of Lahore in an environment friendly manner. SHC&ME department informed vide letter no. SO (CAB-II) 1-2/2017 (Cr-82) dated May 8th 2017 of S&GAD that provincial cabinet had accorded approval; “appointment of LWMC as an executing agency for the project titled HOSPITAL WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN LAHORE”.

The PC-I was approved from P&D department of Govt. of the Punjab on 15 September 2017 for hospital waste management in Lahore; for the scheme titled “ESTABLISHMENT OF HOSPITAL WASTE MANAGEMENT IN LAHORE” at a total cost of PKR 484.312 Million (CAPEX PKR 389.37 Million & OPEX 94.933 Million).

Major Components of the project

The major components of the project are as under;

1. Construction of yellow rooms for infectious waste storage for tertiary care hospitals.
2. Collection and transportation of infectious waste.
3. Repair, operation and maintenance of the incinerators installed at children’s hospital.
4. Establishment of the treatment facility (03 Autoclaves).
5. Landfilling and safe burial of treated/ untreated infectious waste.
6. Awareness and capacity development.
7. Revenue collection from the hospitals for sustainable services delivery.
8. Establishment of HWM Project Management Unit for execution of the project during construction and operations phase.